Saturday, August 14, 2010

What Have I Turned Into?

Mood Swings. defined as a rapid and extreme changing in mood, from excessively happy to desperately miserable. oh shit. that is so me. i dont know why but lately i've been having such bad mood swings. everyne keep saying that im bad tempered, im moody and stuffs like that. all i can hear people telling me is, "chill, relax, breathe." yeah well, chill amanda,chill. everything will be fine. maybe im undergoing depression or something. or im just too stressed up with life lah /: but i cant stop getting angry and worked up over things /: i used to be the "happy-go-lucky" girl that always laughs for every small thing but now its different. what have i turned into? :O i get all mad and tensed up everytime someone says something that i dont like or i'll either get too emotional over something and just break down and cry. what the heck right? i know. gahh. so any idea how to ease the pain and frustration im feeling? well no i dont think so. i used to get all worked up and tensed because i cared about what others thought about me but as time passed, i realised i definitely cant please anyone. some people may like me, and some people might even hate me but i dont care either way, im not losing myself over it and im not changing for anyone. i just gotta put myself to ease maybe by just breathing out loud or taking a chill pill? sometimes, we need to hit that lowest point of being sad, the point where you can't take it anymore and you completely lose yourself, to finally get back up on your feet again, without fear, there would be no accomplishment and no testing our limitations. so i guess what im doing is right? after laughing out loud and crying my heart out i'll feel better instead :D

                                       something about this caught my eye. and somehow i find it true.

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