Saturday, August 7, 2010


havent been blogging since i started college.
everyday is like so hectic especially the traveling to college by ktm everyday.
fuckin' tiring /:
well, at first i thought college life would be much easier and fun but it turns out to be the other way round.
i hate doing business.
i hate travelling by ktm.
i need money and i wanna work ):
i have to study all over again after 9mths of relaxing and my brains are too lazy to work.
i've been having bad luck ever since monday. i mean like wtf deh.

 i woke up late, forgot my timetable,
 had to search for my class for almost 45mins,
 went to pyramid for movie and had to leave 5mins
before the movie even started to
 get back to college, took the cab 4 times,
 spent 200bucks plus, the bus broke down
 otw to ktm and the train did not stop at the station
that i wanted to get down at. like wtf right.  

 i didnt have transport to go back. had to wait in subang till 430, walked to the ktm and when i
                 reached tlk gadong station i had to walk back again. and of all days i wore heels on that day.
                 my legs were like hurting so badly. 

 i got sick. ad fever, cough, flu and sore throat from out of nowhere. maybe cos im too tired
                     of travelling and im not used to the whole new routine. i even lost my appetite. didnt eaT
 much ever since.  FML

 Fought with my dad about business course. i got the marketing book already but i've been
                   thinking about changing courses so i have to like repay for the new course since classes
    started already /:

 wen to pyramid and after the movie i realised i have sore eyes! ARGHHH.

and the list goes on and on. hopefully the coming monday wouldnt be so bad after all. i miss my friends alot ): i wish i could go back to high school. life was so much easier back then.

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