Sunday, August 22, 2010

22nd August 2010.

Assignments. Assignments. Assignments! ugh. you make me sick! i've always wanted to do mass comm but i hate doing assignments. i mean, i knew there was going to be alot of assignments before transferring but still .__. i dont understand a single thing in IT Principles class and im pretty much lost because i still dont have my freaking student id! grrr. and the worst part is i'll be missing a week of classes when i go to aussie next month, which only makes things even worst because im already blur right now, and i'll be even more blurrer when i come back. ohgosh. HELP please, somebody? i told mommy i dont wanna go to australia but she keeps forcing me. ughh. anyways, there's nothing much to blog about today -.- the whole day i basically my butt was stuck right in front of the tv watching stairway to heaven. that movie is seriously addictive i tell you. by just watching it i dont even wanna move, eat, sleep or breathe. wait, minus the breathing. haha. other than that iw as texting with cg and i cleaned my hamster's cage. weeee! my hamster is like super cute. i feel like squeezing it and biting it :@ okay maybe thats crazy! haha. well, cg told me his dog is playful around him which makes me feel like getting a dog too! but im broke and i aint working! i better start working as soona s i come back from aussie. i need cash like seriously =( and fos some reason i hate J at times. she acts like as if she's so desperate to see guys -.-  i mean come on la. grow up for god's sake. its super annoying when you act that way and being so LOA in front of everyone. well, i guess thats enough for today. i needa go back to doing my homework. classes again at eight tomorrow.yikes! and how sad can it be i heard the moon is shrinking :( you know how much i love seeing the moon. LOL. 

well, well, well. i was kinda bored today. so i decided to camwhore :P

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