Saturday, August 7, 2010

Buzy Buzzing Around Like A Bee :P

ohwow, i have lots to update about.
okayyy let's start with thursday.
woke u early around 8 and blah blah blah.
met up with ily, ikhwan and adi for karaoke sessions :P
at greenbox again! i knw, AGAIN!
i think i went karaoke at least three times in less than two weeks?
crazy i knw, tell me about it. haha.
sooo, i wasnt really singing much cos i was having stomachache of all days :S
but still, i did. towards the ending actually. we were singing our hearts out. haha
especially ikhwan. he sang with fulll of passion :P hahaha!
well, i love his voice! and he sang "I Dont Wanna Miss A Thing" for me.
how sweet is that kan? :) i cant help it but i seriously feel like i've known him for a long long time.
cos we blend well and we can actually talk about anything :D his an awesome friend!
after karaoke, we went to watch SALT!
at first i thought it was gonna be for at least two hours, but it actually ended in less than 2hrs.
dissapponting actually. but whatever it is, angelina jolie was HAWT!
haha i've never said that before cos i actually dislike her but she was okay in the movie :P
maybe cos i liked her hairstyle. haha.
after all that, i went home and i was half broke. haha!

but then....

i decided to finish all my cash! haha! its a bad thing i know cos now im officially BROKE!
with three bucks in my purse! ah!
well well well,
now its about yesterday im gonna blog about!
went for my orientation at 930am with charlotte.
i thought it would be fun at first cos i get to meet new friends! but it turned out to be,
the students are mostly all nerd! ohgod, how am i gonna cope up with college?
im starting to hate it already.
okay, maybe i shud become more nerdy and score distinctions in my papers!
yeah thats what im gonna do.haha.
so i skipped another 4hours of orientation cos i couldnt stand any longer.
all of us met up in asia for lunch. i invited jesseca along too.
so we lepak-ed there awhile and decided to stick to our plan to go to pyramid.
but charlotte cancelled last minute so we didnt have transport to go there and decided to take the bus!
so we got into the bus and i called bie and he said i was in the wrong bus. great!
so we got down from the bus again and all of a sudden i noticed i left my file in the bus.
no wait, after jesseca asking me where's my file! shit happens. grr.
i basically suck at taking the bus sooo we didnt have a choice but instead we followed a friend
which was also chin guan's friend /:
and he was there too. total awkwardness! gahh!
i wanted to say hi to him but you know him, he wants to avoid me! so yeah its okay.
i didnt say hi then.
so we went to pyramid. me up with pei ghee and kel.
went for sushi and watched SALT again /: but this time in 2D.
i dont get what's the difference of the normal one and 2D.
i mean its even more darker in 2D. but why would anyone wanna watch it that way? lol.
wasted money only. grrr.
well i got back around 6 something.
had a long long day /: and im so tired . so thats it for the day.

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