Friday, August 20, 2010

True Love.

Dear John. a movie that i just watched. its really touching. i cried while watching it. thats just so me. crying everytime i watch a movie that is sad. well, this movie made me realize something. True Love somehow will always be there. No matter how far or how long two lovers may be, somehow they would meet again if they were fated to be together.

To My True Love, This Is What I Would Love To Say To You:

I Will Always Be There When You Feel Like Being Quiet,
When You Need To Speak Your Mind.
I Will Listen and I Will Be There When The Laughter Turns Into Tears,
Through The Winning, Losing And Trying.
We'll Always Be Together. I Will Be There.
And I'll Lend You My Shoulder To Cry On,
My Hands To Fit Yours Into Mine Perfectly,
I'll Be There Always Smiling When You Look Into My Eyes,
And When The Mirror Show Us We're Older,
I Will Hold You and I Will Be There, Right By Your Side,
To Watch You Grow Old In Beauty And Tell You All the Things You Are,
And How We Used To Be,
Sharing The Old Memories Together,
I Will Be There,
And I Will Be True To You, True To The Promise I Had Made To You. 
Always, Now And Forever

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