Tuesday, August 24, 2010


ARGH! cant sleep again :( slept from 5-7something. i dont know why everytime i come back from college i'll be darn tired ! too much studying maybe xP but its okay at least i've found something to do. editing pics on picnik ! :D i know im vain cos' im always camwhoring butttt who cares ! heee. today was kinda boring. classes sucked big time especially english. the lecturer is totally sucky but well, she seems to like me, soo im fine with it. my timetable got mixed up. i recieved a new timetable last week and it shows that i need to be going for moral education! wth right? all the while i've been going for msian studies! ohgosh, i dont know why my whole course is like so messed up! but still, m lovin' mass comm!  :D so boo you those who are stuck in business studies! some people in class says im "sombong"! haha come on. im never sombong if you get to know me better! anyway, classes tomorrow starts at 9am -.-  so freakin' early. and i've got exactly 3hours to sleep.

 im still awake listening to lady gaga and beyonce. i realize beyonce looks good although she's not skinny. she's bootylicious which is kinda awesome especially in the 'Diva' video and it actually  made me feel better now cos' i thought i'll look better skinnier but the truth is flabby-ness are not only sexy but it means you're happy and healthy not only beyonce but shakira too. she is defined as HAWT. haha. must be more self confident la kan? :P and and and the best part is i actually figured out a topic for my assignment, 'Media Images Of Skinny Models That Influence The Perception Of Teenagers.' ah finally lah i got it! :D

isnt she hot enough? :D       

shakira :)   

beyonce :)  

awesome bodies they have ;D     

 well, i guess i better go to bed now. time is running damn fast -.- nights!

p/s : IMissYouHeaps.

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