Tuesday, October 4, 2011


do you know what hurts the most? when the one person you care most about does not act or react the same way as you. everytime i try to make things better, everything is just so screwed up. do you know what it feels like to be ignored? to be waiting for one simple reply when you write something long and nice with all your heart but all that person does is reply like his forced to reply and appreciate it. it just hurts so bad that i feel like i'm not worth at all, where everyone out there is worth that one reply, but not me because i'm not that important after all or maybe because i've always been there so now i am being pushed around or being taken for granted? that feeling of hate, anger, sadness and disappointment resolves me all the time, but somehow i try to tell myself to be patient and things will be alright, but i never got that assurance or an answer to it. people ask me what do i see in him, and i replied i see someone that i'm willing to do anything as long as his happy. but will he do the same? everyone says he doesn't deserve him because its me that loves him more than he loves me but all the time i try so hard to back him up, to deny every single thing they say. but will you ever do that for me? 
WHY does love have to be so hard, you tell me? why do the loyal ones always get hurt? 

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