Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh Happy Day.

            and so... the day was nicely done today. not much of  a big hassle or a time planned kind of thing, and things actually worked out pretty well :) went to MGS the first thing in the morning today to confirm about the event, but as usual i couldn't enter the school because i was wearing a dress above my knee, such silly rules! it rained in the morning and i thought it would be a bad way to start the day, so went to college but class was canceled. therefore, i spent the next 5 hours with baby. we watched some videos and then went for a movie. guess what movie it is? hehe, Johnny English Reborn.

            Basically, the movie is about Rowan Atkinson getting back as a spy/ whatever is it called, and he was then mistaken to be a secret agent whom was really dangerous and was then being searched for by the CIA. Don't want to be a spoiler but, i actually thought that the first movie was wayyyyy better than this one because it was much hilarious. This one was hilarious too, but to me it wasn't really that funny except for the last few scenes. oh well, but still i had fun because i got to watch it with baby, and everything felt really nice :D 

            after the movie, went back to college for tv production class and out of nowhere there was a talk by this guy named Jess, an employer relations guy andddddd, for the first time in my whole life, i actually listened and felt that i should change after the talk. i mean seriously, it was good to me because it was a good start for us to start preparing ourselves for the future where we would be employed by others. i really thought of my future suddenly, and what i would want to be and how will i achieve those dreams, if i'm always a small and petite looking girl which doesn't stand out. i really need to STAND OUT and have the courage in everything i do instead of always letting people take my place when i know i can do it. oh and he also said that smelling good is another important thing! HAHA funny but true indeed. alright i guess that's all for now, time to work on my storyboard! woots! :))))

p/s : i trust you in every single way, no matter how hard it is, but I've made a choice to change, trust and love you with all my heart just as how you've always loved me <3

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