Tuesday, May 10, 2011


PATHETIC. you know i've come to realized that my life is so pathetic and sad. I've no interest or talent in anything. all i do is listen to people going on and on about their lives and how things goes and how everything's so great this way and that way. and then i come home, and i just stare completely blank at the ceiling thinking, what am i good at? what am i actually interested in doing and how pathetic my life is. why do i feel this way ? why ? is it because of all the stress that i have been facing? all the relationship stuffs that has been going thru my head, and no one else knows how i feel, not even my boyfriend. sometimes i think it's all because of the way i was brought up. i wasn't like any other kids who had the best childhood memories. all i remember from my childhood were all negative stuffs, and now being treated unfairly all the time, it sucks. living with overprotective parents, are the worst thing ever. i'm deprived from everything, EVERYTHING that i love to do, everything a young girl would want to do. i'm not blaming them for being overprotective, but seriously, deep down i feel like shit. i feel like i've known nothing about the world but instead i'm protected from the realistic world. it's like there's no freedom at all. and just when the semester break starts, this thoughts in my head, they're so torturing. and knowing that everything is a lie, it's so hard to really trust a person sometimes, but i'm just living with it. sad isn't it ? i know.

p/s : nothing can make me feel better anymore. these tears that can never stop rolling down, i'm done with it.  if only time could turn back to how it was...


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