Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Random Updates.

okay, i don't even know why but apparently i'm addicted to blogging now.
suddenly so semangat to blog although i'm having tons of assignments to do.
talking about assignments, I've been doing this self-ad which suppose to represent the positive side of me.
and in order to do that, i need to be super-pro in editing and I need a pic of myself, full body in order to make it look like a poster. and sooo, i did take a few pics. haha. but they're not really good cuz i'm not photogenic. 
=( sad i know, but then what else can i do. but no worries, i'll be done soon :D my friend says he'll help me out with it :D and so, during the weekends, my bf came over to help me take some photos. and here's how it looks like : don't laugh ! 

 not HOT la okay. :P



the boyfriend , girlfriend :)

okay i think that's about it for the pics! :) btw, i'm so so addicted to Price Tag by Jessie J. 
Have been listening to it like the 8th time ever since. gahhh -__-
i'm suppose to be doing assignments, but i'm so damn lazy to do so :(
hmm, let's see what i have left on my to-do list : 

1. Marketing assignment
2. Advertising - self advertisment & box story layout. and book ad - done with sketch tho : (
3. DIE - Poster for courses in INTI
4. News Writing - Creating a newspaper = 3 articles per week ! done with 2, 1 left !
5. DIE Test - next wednesday 2-4pm ! STUDY STUDY STUDY !
6. To have Ninja Joes for lunch :P *teehee. A MUST DO !
7. Law Analysis - Mind mapping and presentation !
8. Watch Big Momma :D
9. Learn Photoshop! : ( the hardest shit on earth .


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