Saturday, March 19, 2011


what a long day i had today, was out the whole day right up till 8pm.
and here i am blogging after wondering what to blog about when there's so many things to.
woke up today at 830am and went for Dim sum.
ate hell alot like i always do, although i'm suppose to be dieting :O
mum invited the boyfie along as well so he came along too.
went to klang parade after years ! it's been awhile.
ate and ate till we were all so full !
after that...
i left to Mid Valley for about an hour or two.
the place was illed with loads of people and i was sick of it.
so decided to go to the Curve instead.
just when i reached, it started raining.
and guess what?
my plan to walk around the street market was ruined since it was outdoor.
grrr -_-
but ohwell, i only went window shopping, so i only bought a few things,
cute lil ones, that is :D

hairbands, earrings, owl ring and belts :D
accessories mostly, hehehehe xD

and now i'm officially broke and i'll have 
to starve or eat maggi cup for the next three days :'(

anyways, that's all for today! 
i'm supertired and i'm suppose to be studying 
but then, its back to square one.

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