Monday, July 5, 2010


*yawns* just came back from dinner. today was my off day, soooo as usual where else and who i'll be with? obviously with bie. hehe. spend the whole day with him today. went to pyramid. im kinda bored of that place already. wanted to go shopping but i didnt see anything nice so instead we got a hamster =D hehehe! its freaking cute and its called a roborovski, i think. LOL. ohyeah and i finally got to watch The Back Up Plan. AWESOME movie :D i loved it. i had fun today although we argued before going back /: there's so many new movies coming soon and im dying to watch them. yeay finally its the fifth. ten more days to go for me to quit my job! i got my pay this month but its freaking lil. so not much shopping can be done ): its like damn sakit hati when i wanna spend my money thinking of how hard it is to get it. now i know. haha. bie tries his best everyday to make me save tho but i knw his giving up cos i've turned in to a shopoholic :O i know right. i admit it myself. i cant control myself from buying what i want, i wonder how some ppl can. its so tempting to see everything thats nice! yikes! i've been eating like a pig ever since god knows when. okay wait, actually im a huge eater. everyone at work calls me "budak kuat makan" -.- i cant help it ): everytime i try to diet, the plan fails. what else shud i do huh? ): 
hmmmm anyway, im off to bed. thats all for today, needa go talk to bie now! toodles. xoxoxxo <3

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