Friday, April 29, 2011


THANKS. i'm one of the worst people you met, and you're pissed at me? what for? why do i even deserve all this shit from you? Just because you're frustrated , i deserve to get all the screaming and shouting? if you don't know how to change your attitude and be polite, then don't fuckin' talk to me. I've been so patient all these while, but how long can a person take it? i no longer can, and then you blame me for not appreciating you when i cared so much about you, put you first in everything i do. can you even find someone as understanding as me? i know at times i'm a pain in the ass, but not once in my life i screamed at you out of frustration. i have feelings too, i'm not a toy like what i've always said. i have a heart that has been broken into a million pieces thanks to you, but yet i keep forgiving and coming back to you. but you'll never understand right? you'll never feel even a little bit happy and i don't appreciate you right? then don't fucking care about me anymore since i don't deserve to be with someone like you. my heart is really hurting. TOO MUCH. but not once, i teared or complained about it but instead i tried to be patient and stayed strong. but what now?

i just feel like giving up on everything.

i just wanna leave. 

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