Friday, April 1, 2011


Hello! here i am, blogging again since i have nothing better to do. so deal with it lar okay? :D
soooo, let's see what happen today. ohyeah, I've decided to start going for jogging every Friday. and i wanted to start today butttt....FAILED ! as usual. pfttt. went to three places just to jog but failed thanks to the traffic jam and rain! worst part is, my diet plan failed too, instead of going for jogging i went for duck an pork rice -_- and i even ate during lunch which is like double eating. DAMNNNN. i needa control, but it's so damn hard living in Malaysia with all the yummy and oily foood.

here it is, can you see the amount of oil in it ? :( 
but its so damn tempting !

so after lunch, we headed down to MBO, for a movie. Wanted to watch Sucker Punch but instead, i saw this super duper adroable plus cute movie instead, and i decided to watch it, especially since i love fluffy chickens :O cutest movie ever ! ARGH. The movie is called HOP. even the title is so goddamn cuteeeee! 

basically this movie is about the Easter Rabbit that owns like a huge candy factory and goes around the world 
sending candies, sweets and marshmallows to all the kids. it's super cute and nice . i should stop here and let you guys watch the rest :) you better watch it ! 
isn't this chicken so damn adorable and fluffy? grrr.

AND THIS ONE. DANCING CHICK. awwwww <3 so damn cute. 

okay i think i'm getting so into the movie now. hahaha! just watch it la okay?! well it was a long but fun day spent with the boyfriend. i really had fun after months of arguing and stress from relationships :D but then, at the same time feeling guilty for not studying when finals are so near. SHEEEETTTT. anyways, goodnight world ! i'm off to bed :) 

hehe, one more picca before i leave to bed! :)

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