Friday, June 25, 2010


Deleted my old blog and started a new one instead since im so free. i disliked my old blog all of a sudden but now im feeling lazy to start a new one either. anyway, this is my new bloggie :D its simple and it looks much more "ceria" compared to the emo one. hehe. i decided to leave my emo-ness behind because im much more happier now compared to last time. :D so must post some happy happy stuffs kan? 

i damn happy cos i have bie (:
im quitting my freaking job soon and starting college.
its almost end of the month and im gonna get my pay! 
which means $$$= SHOPPING! 
i've turned into a shopoholic since i started working ): isit a good thing or a bad thing?! 
well, i need to start saving money to get a new handphone.
and bie's gonna kill me when he see's this cos his a real money saver.
:O i've got no idea how he does that!

anyway, i better get back to watching the portugal game! :D ah! 
nights people! 

xoxoxox <3

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