Saturday, March 12, 2011


well well well, as you can see,
my blog is nicely edited and redesigned. 
hehehehe! nice not ? :p 
soooo, what should I bog about today? 
hmmm, well basically there's loads to blog about.
college, friends, relationships, family etc etc. woah !
don't think i can finish blogging in one post!
today was a really really unproductive day.
all i did was sleep, eat, hang out and shisha. hehehe.
it was nice hanging out with the bestie ever since high school, Beau Pink :D
she's the bestest best friend ever that still can be considered one. so jyeahhh.
oh oh, but before that.....
i watched Rango today. You know, that lil gecko cartoon, okay i don't know his a gecko or what. but A REPTILE :D i loike!
well, the movie wasn't that good tho. i mean i thought it would be really really funneh. but it's mostly about finding water. LOL. but nvm i'll rate it 4/10.
not badddddd.

so this is RANGO.
p/s : I didn't know it was Johnny Depp talking till i saw this :O homg!

 did i mention? there were OWLS tooo. so fuckin' CUTE! <3
they were like singing owls. so fluffy and cute. hehehe.

OHH EMM GEE. look what i found while browsing through?
weird but cool though. lol
now i want cupcakes. GREAT :(

enough about Rango. back to what i was saying,
after the movie, went to meet up with Pink and Kao Siang at Botanic Cafe.
decided to shisha so yeah :D here's the pictures :D weee.

weird i know. i look so steamed -_- 

PINK :) i love herrrrr :)

 MEEE. muahahaha :p

ze' boyfriend :D

and and and ...
i guess that's all for today!
long long day awaits me tomorrow.
so goodnight world :D

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