Friday, August 27, 2010

Bits And Pieces.

Oh wow. i did not blog for three days. Miracle!
yikes, was actually kinda busy with i dont know what. college i guess?
well, i dont really know what to blog about. i'll just blog about what i did?
ooo like seriously lately i've been getting all kinds of nightmares. and its spoiling my sleep :(
like wtf right. stop distubing me you freaking nightmares!
well according to research, nightmares happen when a person is too stressed up
or eating just before a person goes to sleep -.-
oh well, maybe thats why i've been getting nigtmares. swt.
yesterday was a public holiday.
didnt have much plans besides going to aeon for lunch with my parents and adrian.
i hate it when i have to go for lunches like that.
i'll just shut up and wont say a word. haha. after that went bie took me to the park in botanic.
ahhh its been awile since i last went there. awesome place!
i plan to let my tortoise go in that lake when it grows big! haha.
im starting to miss high school and my friends.
life was so much easier back then, we didnt have to think so much about money,
didnt have to make such big decisions in life.
time cant be turned back, sadly. oh yeah and i finally got to ease my craving by
getting the durians i've been craving forrrr. yummy! :D
but its causing me pimples and what nots.
and im getting fatter and fatter. muka tembam already :( 
i hate it when my face is chubby. it annoys me when i look at the mirror. 
ugh. how am i gonna lose weight when all i see is food in front of me everyday?! 
im going to aussie next sunday, im so gonna miss malaysia :(
i plan to work when i come back from aussie. 
Adi keeps bugging me to work in timberland again. hahah.
oh damn, i miss him like alot. those working times were one of the fun times of my life.
it was like we basically owned the whole aeon cos we got discounts everywhere.
why did i wake up so early today? see im crapping too much now.
nothing to do besides online-ing and editing. im chatting with nesh and cg now.
nesh is super funny. haha sometimes i wish i had classes everyday
rather than staying at home doing nothing.
i have alot of assignments to do actually but the shit part is,
i fucking dont understand how the heck to do it. howwwwww?!
im gonna die. the due date is in three weeks and i havent started anything :(
oh shit i better not get stressed up. chill amanda, chill! i should go look for food now cos im starving!

well, i edited some pics ytd since i had nothing to do. still not pro yet. but its my effort you know :P
     love the smiley :D         

Black & White Effect.


Love This The Most. MASSIVE.


collage too.         

typical adrian. haha     

seriously, love the dinosaur there ♥  

memories :) ♥       

lastly, i heart you people :) xoxoxox!

p/s : you be happy too. you know i still care for you. i wish you could understand, things would be so much easier if you did. goodbye.

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