Wednesday, July 21, 2010

TwentyFirstJulyTwoThousandTen :D

let's see. hmm what i did today?
basically, jus hang out at aeon -.-
but, i got to spend the day with bie. so its considered unboring.
we had pizza for lunch. finally i could end my cravings for pizza and i felt so satisfied!
well, after that we went for a movie.
which was sooo boring for me but fun for bie /:
slept off halfway watching it.
stupid Inception :@
its more to mind games.
so not my type of movieee :/
was in aeon till 9pm.
how lifeless can i be. thanks to my mum cos i got no transport to go back.
was thinking bout taking my undang test again today. but i forgot what i studied again.
and sooo,
after the movie bie had to leave so i was in r20 talking to ikhwan.
and i got myself a blue checkered shirt :D
finally, i found a nice one with a reasonable price since im kinda broke now.
again, i have to wait for ten days to get my next pay.
i feel so lifeless nowadays after quitting my job.
shouldn't have resigned till i started college /:
orientation is on the 29th,
and im starting classes on the 2nd of august.
hopefully i'll blend in with the other students and have new friends .
till then, toodles !
HeLovesMe, IKnow :)

                                                                                                                                                      xoxoxox! ♥

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