Friday, April 29, 2011


THANKS. i'm one of the worst people you met, and you're pissed at me? what for? why do i even deserve all this shit from you? Just because you're frustrated , i deserve to get all the screaming and shouting? if you don't know how to change your attitude and be polite, then don't fuckin' talk to me. I've been so patient all these while, but how long can a person take it? i no longer can, and then you blame me for not appreciating you when i cared so much about you, put you first in everything i do. can you even find someone as understanding as me? i know at times i'm a pain in the ass, but not once in my life i screamed at you out of frustration. i have feelings too, i'm not a toy like what i've always said. i have a heart that has been broken into a million pieces thanks to you, but yet i keep forgiving and coming back to you. but you'll never understand right? you'll never feel even a little bit happy and i don't appreciate you right? then don't fucking care about me anymore since i don't deserve to be with someone like you. my heart is really hurting. TOO MUCH. but not once, i teared or complained about it but instead i tried to be patient and stayed strong. but what now?

i just feel like giving up on everything.

i just wanna leave. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


WEDNESDAY. Hello readers or followers , if i have one. :O its been awhile since i blogged. oh well, have been super busy with assignments for the pass 3 weeks! torturing as hell. i'm kinda free now tho,so felt like updating my blog. hmmm, spent the whole day in Subang today. Super EPIC. hahaha! firstly, the reason why i was in Subang was to study, but instead there are so many distractions there, ALL THE FREAKING time. even from the train, to the walks, college, and etc. So, i took the train down with mar lynn today with our super sleepy eyes, and we actually didn't want anything epci to happen, so yeah it didn't in the morning. Headed down to ac for a drink then to MED to study, but as usual we got distracted by the crowd and the loud music, worst still, the whole shop started singing 'The Lazy Song' when it was played. after studying for a lil while, i ecided to wear my shades to sleep instead till the crowd lessen. woke up, studied for awhile then headed to Salmon Steak to have steak rice. YUM ! met Jason there, after such a loooong time of not hang out. it was kinda awkward at first, but as usual we were back to our crazy selves. haha. The funniest thig is, we saw a freaking man who was short and had a huge belly, that looks like Mr. Potatoman. Laughed the shit out of ourselves the whole time there and then headed to MED again. spent sometime studying tho. after studying, we were all super tired and Jega decided to leave at 430pm but as usual, my fault for asking her to wait till 530. but in the end we left at 510pm, but was caught in the rain so we sat in front of a bank for like 45mins, talking cock the whole time. and jason was kind enough to follow and got stucked with us as well. sat there talking the whole time and decided to leave when the rain was slowed down. Shared one miserable umbrella with Jega and walked to ktm, all the freaking drivers with no brains sped so fast and the water just splashed on us. Such a bitch ! epic thing is, me and lynn are the worst road crossers, we're more like a chicken crossing the road, lost with no directions screaming all the way till we crossed it. 

That's exactly what i meant ! hahahaha! 

oh well, thank god Anand was there to lead us there. So we reached the ktm all wet and smelly, and the train came at about 7pm, and as usual it was packed like crazy ! pushed and stuffed ourselves into the train and that's when lynn said, "OMG i think i lost my phone!" GREAT. i was super panicked and her face was also in panic and fear, searched her whole bag and ended up finding it in her small pocket inside her bag. Phew! I guess that's what i did the whole day. a long day filled with nonsense and crap as well as experience. HAHA.  I had fun though, yeah it was pretty much fun and i'm sure i'll be missing all of them during the semester break :( here's some picture's of us :




anyways, that's all for today. GOODNIGHT :) 

p/s : I've never changed at all, maybe it's just the environment that we live in or the boundaries like what you said ;)

Friday, April 1, 2011


Hello! here i am, blogging again since i have nothing better to do. so deal with it lar okay? :D
soooo, let's see what happen today. ohyeah, I've decided to start going for jogging every Friday. and i wanted to start today butttt....FAILED ! as usual. pfttt. went to three places just to jog but failed thanks to the traffic jam and rain! worst part is, my diet plan failed too, instead of going for jogging i went for duck an pork rice -_- and i even ate during lunch which is like double eating. DAMNNNN. i needa control, but it's so damn hard living in Malaysia with all the yummy and oily foood.

here it is, can you see the amount of oil in it ? :( 
but its so damn tempting !

so after lunch, we headed down to MBO, for a movie. Wanted to watch Sucker Punch but instead, i saw this super duper adroable plus cute movie instead, and i decided to watch it, especially since i love fluffy chickens :O cutest movie ever ! ARGH. The movie is called HOP. even the title is so goddamn cuteeeee! 

basically this movie is about the Easter Rabbit that owns like a huge candy factory and goes around the world 
sending candies, sweets and marshmallows to all the kids. it's super cute and nice . i should stop here and let you guys watch the rest :) you better watch it ! 
isn't this chicken so damn adorable and fluffy? grrr.

AND THIS ONE. DANCING CHICK. awwwww <3 so damn cute. 

okay i think i'm getting so into the movie now. hahaha! just watch it la okay?! well it was a long but fun day spent with the boyfriend. i really had fun after months of arguing and stress from relationships :D but then, at the same time feeling guilty for not studying when finals are so near. SHEEEETTTT. anyways, goodnight world ! i'm off to bed :) 

hehe, one more picca before i leave to bed! :)