Saturday, October 2, 2010


enough is enough.
its time for me to start taking things seriously.
study, relationships, friends, family.
everything has a limit to it. and its time for me to start
now or else everything's gonna be too late or gone.
decisions are hard to be made,
but we dont have a choice but to make it.
or else it would only make my life harder.
enough said.

its time for me to become a nerddd :(
finals in november!
and im feeling so scared al of a sudden! :S
i Cinta Mass Comm :D

Friday, October 1, 2010

i want i want i want!

10 Things I Want BADLY!

1. BB Bold :)
2. a ferret!
3. DSLR.
4. high-waisted skirts :)
5. awesome lingerie from lasenza :D
6. onion rings from Tony Romas!
7. grey contact lenses!
8. heeeels :D
9. a red handbag :)
10. java chippp. heeee

ohgosh. i better start working real soon! :(